How often do experts actually recommend working out

Working out is essential when it comes to getting stronger and feeling more energized. However, this practice can get tough if you have no idea how to structure your exercise routine. So, how often do experts actually recommend working out – whether it is at home, at the gym, or pounding the pavement?
Fortunately, scientists have given us a surprising conclusion that is somehow tough to swallow. We engaged with Shawn Arent, an exercise scientist, to give us his opinion concerning this question. He alludes that exercising only two days a week will not provide the much-needed benefit – probably a hard-hitting pill to swallow. Shawn recommends finding something you can tolerate or enjoy doing and try to do it 5-6 days a week, with just one day to rest.

Photo: BURST

While you should focus on that exercise you like, scientists also suggest focusing on strength training for fat loss. He recommends lifting weights at least 3-4 days a week using the most substantial weight to help in hypertrophy or muscle building. Meanwhile, Shawn recommends high-intensity interval training to increase your calorie incineration both during and after your workout. So, find at least 15 minutes on some days to partake in high-intensity training. 15-minute high-intensity training helps you burn the same number of calories as you would when you focus on 45-minute low-intensity exercise, such as bike riding or walking.
Fitness experts suggest setting aside about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, which can equate to 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week. Perform strength training exercises for each muscle group at least 2-3 times a week. Moderate aerobic exercises include swimming and brisk walking while vigorous aerobic exercises include aerobic dancing and running. A structured exercise program will need a minimum of 3 days a week. Technically, find something to do every day – keep moving.
Photo: BURST

Scientific studies have discovered that sitting can offset any physical activity you do. For instance, let’s assume you work out for one hour each day and then relax for the rest of the day. From the sitting point of view, the health consequences are dreadful. Besides the exercise, you must try to be active throughout the day so you can get positive health outcomes.
Reducing sitting time is the key to success. People who sit for more extended hours a day have higher risks of developing metabolic problems, which tend to have a negative impact on health and longevity. Sitting down for extended periods can negate the positive health outcomes you would get on daily physical activity.
When it comes to resistance training, experts recommend doing it 2-5 days a week depending on whether or not you are advanced in training your body. Two days of resistance training is ideal for kids and older adults, but these cohorts have to progress pretty fast to 3-4 days per week.
Ultimately, fitness experts unanimously agree that your schedule has a significant role to play in the frequency of your workouts. Shawn says it is possible to get the results even if you have only three days per week to exercise for one hour. At least one hour of lifting weights every other day is better than zero.

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