Annoying hair struggles so many of us can relate to

Hands up who has already had a bad hair day this week? Yep, we’re just gonna go ahead and guess that a fair few of you put your hands up because the universe just seems to hate anyone who has a fabulous hair day – and we’re not too thrilled about it. You know what makes things worse? When people tell us folk with bad hair that we can wear a hat. Erm, we’re not Sarah Jessica Parker, y’know! We can’t just wear a giant bird on our heads and wander around campus as if it’s the coolest thing since Snapchat was invented. Argh. It’s just not gonna work. So, if anyone else feels like getting angry at these annoying hair struggles so many of us can relate to on the reg, then feel free. The floor is yours – and hats aren’t allowed.

When it’s a hot day and all you want to do is open your window

If you’re not a kind of fancy-pants rich person who can afford air conditioning in your car (we feel ya), then you’ll know that there is nothing worse than going on a road trip during the summer. While you have images of you and your besties diving through the desert and singing Vanessa Carlton’s ‘A Thousand Miles’ with the wind rushing through your hair, the reality is a lot different. Hair everywhere.

When it’s humid outside, and you believe you’re going to a lion forever

We think we might just have to move to Alaska or something because we really can’t deal with this humid air any longer. Sure, it’s nice to feel a bit of heat on our bodies, but when it turns our head into a messy lion’s mane – we could definitely do without it. The worst part of humidity is that there is literally nothing to help your hair. Nope. It’s gone. There’s no point even looking in the mirror for the rest of the summer.

Annoying hair struggles so many of us can relate to

When you fall asleep with wet hair, and you have no idea how you’ll wake up

For some reason, we can’t sleep at night, but we can easily fall asleep after getting out of our pajamas, making an effort to wash our hair in the attempt that it might look nice for once, and sitting down for ‘just one minute’ while you look up directions to your friends house. Of course, that ‘one minute’ eventually turns into a one-hour nap when you have wet hair. Unless you’re perfect in every way, you will never wake up with perfect curls. Instead, you will wake up with kinks, curls, straight bits, and one random piece of hair that has no idea what it’s doing.

When the hairdresser doesn’t listen to you

Unfortunately, this has happened way too often – and although we immediately know we hate what the hairdresser has done to our hair, we can’t help but smile and say ‘oh my god it’s amazing thank you sooooooo much’ to her as she holds the mirror up and shows you even more of her atrocity. Yep, we’re not sure if they learn to totally ignore customers at college, but has anyone ever had a perfect haircut? If so, we need their number.

When your hair looks amazing for once, but you have no plans

You feel me? Yep, this happens way more than we would like. It’s as if our hair knows that we have nowhere to go, and plans to look extra perfect when we have a simple date with our cats and a tub of ice cream. Thankfully, we now have the ability to take selfies with countless filters to show off this fresh ‘do in all kinds of form. It’s not all wasted.

Annoying hair struggles so many of us can relate to

Don’t get us wrong; we love having hair that we can style and design ourselves – but sometimes these hair struggles just prove to be way too irritating for our liking.

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